me at 13 weeks & 3 days!

me at 13 weeks & 3 days!
this was a couple weeks ago.

1st ultrasound

1st ultrasound
this was at 7 wks & 6 days!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm 16 weeks & 2 days today :) Still haven't gained any weight..gettin fussed at a bit from the doc...I've lost 8 lbs. since the beginning...Still not showing too much, probably only I can tell. lol. We find out the sex of the baby June 3rd, and we can't wait!! I'm sooo impatient!!! I want it to be a girl, Justin (my husband) wants it to be a boy...I have a feeling that it is a boy...but who knows..We'll both be happy either way of course :) We can't wait to decorate the nursery, and start buying stuff :) Can't wait to meet little baby Gwinn!

Friday, May 14, 2010

15 weeks!

Sorry, I'm getting a late start on this blogging thing in my pregnancy! I'm 15 weeks & 3 days along. We had an appointment yesterday, and my mom and I got to hear the heart beat! That is the most precious sound in the world...there is nothing like it. BPM is 150. We get to find out the gender on June 3rd & we can't wait!!! I was layin in bed the other night, and I swear I felt the baby moving, and my husband could feel it too!!! I know this is pretty unheard of, but I have never felt anything like that before and I don't know what else it would be. PLUS, when I went to the doctor, the doc found the heartbeat in the exact same spot where we felt it! Anyway, can't wait to meet our little one!!!!